Inspiration season is here

It´s again the time of the year when my creative side starts to take over. The nature is full of fascinating shapes and colors. I have been capturing my observations in my sketch book with quick and rough sketches. I think that finally now I have realized the meaning of the sketchbook and sketching even though all the teachers have been highlighting its importance since I joined my first art class. Learning truly is a life long journey.

Despite my love for all seasons in Finnish nature, the spring and summer brings up so much in me. I think most of the Finns would agree with me. The winter was long and cold again this year. I enjoy the dark days with candles and season lights till the Christmas but then after January darkness starts to feel endless.

From my phone / May

For this year 2024 I also got a chance to join Patternsfrom Agency as a guest designer. It was fantastic but still hard work to create collections from my patterns to fit their catalogue. It made it possible to utilize my older work I still love and bring them to the market as a coherent collection with guided tips from the agency. Read more about Patternsfrom agency here. They also wrote a small interview of me.

From my phone / June

During the change of the year I worked on a customer project focusing on Spring and Summer time. Now it´s time to follow the projects to come alive. Exciting!

Working on a commission also helped me to clear my own style. It was great and instructive to receive feedback and hear how the customer sees my illustration style and what makes it unique to them. Working on your art alone let you often blind on the long run and makes the big picture easily blurrish.

From my phone / July

I will keep up charging my inner solar panels for the rest of this summer and get prepared for the upcoming seasons with my fully-blooming sketchbook.

Cheers, Saara

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